

What setup options does an invitation have?

Initially with each roll an invitation is created with a standard setup. This invitation has been set up to header general use, but you can modify it to your liking at any time. You can also create new invitations with different options to distinguish subgroups within your guests. For example, you could have an invitation for those friends who are at your birthday party and another invitation set up with “View Only Access" for those friends who were unable to attend and you don't want them to be able to add photos unrelated to the event.

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Select the roll

To be able to add or customise an invitation, you must select the roll to which you want to modify your invitations. Click on the CUSTOMISE button on the roll (represented by the icon of a gear or cogwheel).

Select the invitation

If there is only one invitation it will already be displayed, otherwise display the invitation you want to edit and customise it as you see fit.

Below we go through each of the setup options in detail:

  • Active invitation

    All invitations are initially active, so the people to whom you have sent the invitation link or shown the invitation QR code will be added automatically. As a general rule, this option should not concern you, but in some cases, especially if you have shared the invitation link via email or instant messaging (such as WhatsApp), you may want to disable the invitation after making sure that the selected group of guests has accessed the roll to ensure that no one else can access it from now on.

    Continuing with the previous example, you could deactivate the invitation of the guests who are at your party and who accessed the birthday roll, in case any of them resend that invitation to people outside the celebration. Remember that the link is public and anyone who knows it can access it anonymously. This way, your friends can continue to use the roll to share your photos since they were added before the invitation was deactivated and all those people who try to access it after the invitation has been deactivated will be rejected. If one of your friends has joined the party late, you can re-activate the invitation to make it easier for them to join.

    In addition, non-active invitations will be clearly identified as you will notice that the title of the invitation will be crossed out and will have a lock icon, representing that the invitation has been blocked.

  • Sharing on social networks

    A button is provided on each roll to share each photo individually via social networks. By disabling this option, your guests will not be shown this icon, so sharing the images would be more laborious but not impossible. This option would not prevent, for example, someone from taking a screenshot of the image and using the snapshot to display the image on their social networks.

  • Individual download

    With this option activated, you allow your guests to download the photo in the highest quality to their devices, as if they were taken from their own camera. The images will have all the quality with which they were uploaded to jjiffy, without any compression or watermark.

    This option is very useful for the guests who are only interested in the photos in which they appear and not in all the photos of the event. On the other hand, disabling this option guarantees that only you and the author of the photograph have the image with the highest quality.

  • View-only access

    This option must be activated only for the invitations in which you want your guests to not have the possibility of uploading their photos. They will be able to visualise all the exposures of the roll and perform any of the other options that you have set up in the invitation, but they will not be able to add photos to the roll. This option could be interesting to activate when you have little space in your account and you don't want your guests to keep adding photos but you want them to be able to continue enjoying viewing the roll.

    In order to identify this type of invitation in an unmistakable way, you will notice that in front of the title of the invitation an icon of an eye will appear, representing that the guests who access through it will only be able to visualise the content of the roll.

  • Access for registered users only

    By activating this option you will force your guests to be registered in jjiffy in order to access the roll. In principle this breaks our concept of simplicity when gathering the photographs, but in return each photograph will be associated with the user who has uploaded the image. Remember that this does not guarantee that the user is the author of the image.

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